I haven't written for a while because...well...Lucah is no longer cute. Part of the joy of a new puppy is the cuteness. I mean the 3AM walks outside, the potty training, and the chewing uncontrollably (which Lucah never did) are only counter-ed by the fact that you have this bundle of fuzzy cuteness. If someone could figure out a way to keep a dog always at that level of cuteness then that person will be able to print their own money. Unfortunately those advancements of science have not been made it yet.
I know what you are thinking. "How can you say such things about your baby?" Lucah and we (thanks Graphic Orb Proofing Dept.) have an open and honest relationship I tell him when he is not cute, he pukes up something he doesn't like, nothing but honesty there. I tried to add some cuteness by teaching him cute jestures like the hand shake and showing his belly, but there is only so much I can do with him. Most of the time he just sits there with a not-so-bright look on his face. His mouth is always open with his tongue hanging out. He looks like he suffered some sort of head injury. [see below]
And talk about uncoordinated. With his current weight he is 130lbs of pure clumsy. The other day at the park he was chasing a ball that took a bad hop, went a different direction, and all I could see were paws and tail tumbling through air. My friend has an Australian Shepherd that can jump in and out of a pick-up truck with out touching the door. Can Lucah do that? Nooooo, he has to be helped into the back of my car like an octagenarian going to bingo.
Now I am not saying that I don't love the big guy. He really is great. I don't know why he is so great, he doesn't really do anything, he has never worked a day in his life and he sheds enough fur to make another dog, but I love him. I just wish the guy could maybe get one of the makeovers I see on the TV. You know...they have the before shot and then they do the cross fade of the new Lucah. They put him in some dark denim jeans, a funky T-shirt from Urban Outfitters and then a smart jacket to tie it all together. Maybe even not that much. Maybe just a bath and a good brushing. And ears...bigger ears....nothing says "adorable" like giant, floppy, almost dangerously big ears. And bigger eyes. He should look like a living Margaret Keane (I frikin' love Google) painting.