After a week of being a "Puppy Kebob" Lucah had his tube removed (see below) and was given a clean bill of health by his vet. The little guy is fairly oblivious that anything has happened and has been to the park (a different park from the scene of the original crime) twice with the only incident being Lucah stepping on a Boston Terrier.
This is why there are separate areas of the park for large dogs and small dogs. This was a case of a small dog playing in the large dog area. Not only was he a small dog, but he was a spirited one who liked to play with bigger dogs. I am not blaming the Boston for the incident, but when you don't even come up to my dog's knees you have to watch out.
Lucah was chasing/running with this little dog, he ran underneath Lucah and got stepped on. There was a "yelp" and then the Boston didn't get up too quick. That is probably one of the worse things you could see. Your dog step on a little dog and the little dog doesn't get up too quickly. You start to think that you just killed someone's baby. The owner was not too happy. The Boston got up but didn't put down its back leg. Thoughts of a little doggie plaster-cast on its leg started to flash in my mind and I wondered what this was going to cost me.
I have to say the owner was very "reserved" in how he reacted. He seemed upset, but didn't want to say or do anything that could make the situation any worse. He just picked up the Boston and left. I almost gave him my business card if there were any vet bills...almost. I know I just had a situation (again below) where I should have gotten owner information for Lucah's attacker and didn't, so I know how it feels to have a vet bill that you feel should be covered by someone else. However, I kinda felt that this was one of those "price of admission" to the "large dog area of the park" things that you kinda shrug off and try and keep from happening again. Also we're broke.
The reason we were at the dog park was not to trample small dogs, but to meet Jaime, her husband Michael, and Bear, a 150 pound male Newfoundland that looks...well...like a bear. Jaime and Michael created Bigpawsonly.com. It is a website for people who favor big dogs. Its a place Akiko and I go to for information and bragging rights. We post pictures and other things about Lucah and we find it very useful for figuring out problems.
Akiko and I have started to explore the world of the "Puppy Play Date". It is pretty much how it sounds. You meet a dog and owner at a pre-approved location and you play. You don't know if the dogs will get along. You worry that the date won't go well and you have one less opportunity to gain a friend. Much like the dating scene of today except there is rarely a dinner you have to pay for.

Bear is 4 years old, so he has both the size and dominance advantage over Lucah. Immediately Bear had Lucah against a fence on his back. I don't believe Lucah was in any trouble, but I can't wait for the day when he doesn't have to roll over for the bigger dogs. I imagine there will be a point when he will just not be bothered by other dogs since he will be the biggest dog for miles. Until then we will have to endure the little guy being tossed to his back and drooled on by other dogs.
Video of Lucah and Bear Playing.
Overall this date was a success. We got to meet new people and Lucah made a new friend. All this is an effort to make sure our large breed dog is well socialized. Nothing is worse than when a 200 pound dog wants to jump on everyone and everything. He is already over 90 pounds and Akiko can only walk him when he is wearing his pinch collar. We will have to schedule more playdates with Bear. He was a sweet dog and Lucah seemed to appreciate the outing.

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